1GCIM Leading Scientist Award
This award is given to a scientist who represents world-class excellence in materials.
2GCIM Early Career Award
This award is presented to a scientist who has demonstrated excellence in their research and is expected to lead the future of materials science.
3Best oral Award
This award recognizes outstanding oral presenters at GCIM2025. This award recognizes outstanding presenters at GCIM2025. When you submit your abstract, you can choose whether to apply. The chairs will score those who apply as they present on-site. After the session, winners will be notified by personal contact on the on-site status board. One to two winners will be selected from each session.
4Best poster Award
This award honors the researcher with the best poster at GCIM2025. This award honors the researcher with the best poster at GCIM2025. When you submit your abstract, you can choose whether to apply. Those who apply will be scored by the poster reviewers when they present on-site, and a Winner sticker will be placed on the poster on-site at the end of the poster grading. One to two winners will be selected from each session.